Participant Submission Agreement

The contrubution described in the form is here in after called the "submission",

The writer/poet/artist-(owner) agrees to provide the use of text, sound and/or visual materials described as:

poetry, writings, interview, review, voice-recordings, supporting documents/ materials/media, in the creation of the publication, e-book, web page, handmade, print hardcopy, digital, analogue and/or digital sound recording, as well as video and/or film recordings to be called "submission"

A. The above mentioned name is a working title and may be changed for publication, and/or parts, text, footage may be used in part or in whole in other productions, trailers and advertisements.

B. It is illegal to reproduce any content ( words, pictures, audio ) without proper authority from the owner of the rights to these content properties. The undersigned hereby affirms that he or she either owns all reproducing rights to the content he or she is submitting and/or participating in the creation of for production and reproduction, or has obtained sufficient legal authority from all the owners to permit Glen River Publications to reproduce these images without infringing on the rights on any individual. Furthermore the undersigned agrees to indemnify Glen River and Odysseus Publications and any of its agents from any claims of liability from any alleged or actual inaccuracy in this affirmation.

B. The owner agrees to accept a listing in the credits as full payment for services including the use of the above mentioned content and images in the production of above mentioned publication, text, sound and video/film recordings. All rights remain the property of Glen River and Odysseus Publications. The rights to the original creations of the writer, poet/artist continues to be their exclusive property.

may include: jpeg, gif, pdf, txt, rtf, mp3, mp4

If the foregoing terms are acceptable to you, please so indicate by selecting the (I agree) button and continuing the submission process.